We have 14 cocktails recipes with that ingredient for you
The Cocktail Sapphire Martini is a very light and nice cocktail that gives a new vision of your favorite Gin. Some dashes of the blu...
The Blue Margarita cocktail brings more color and stylish to the popular cocktail, Margarita. By ingredients, it's the same (tequila...
This dark as the darkest night cocktail is full of unexpected flavors. It starts you on caramel and vanilla notes and smoothly finis...
The cocktail Mind Dream is a vacation in a martini glass. With hints of the tropics scattered throughout, the more you sip, the more...
In honor of St. Patricks Day, we present an American traditional green drink. This cocktail is full of bright citrus flavors with ju...
The Single is a black as night cocktail that stands alone. With a strong chocolate flavor followed by a citrus note, it’s a perfec...
A wonderful summer cocktail for the hot days with light rum, blue curacao, orange juice and sweet grenadine. You can check and the v...
The cocktail shot Ukraine flag is a part of our great Flag shot category collection. The shot recipe consists of two components...
Cocktail Nixon is a great combination of malibu and sugar on the glass rim. Add sprite and some ice cubes and here you have fresh dr...
The attacking shark cocktail is a wonderful drink with impressive color and great combination of vodka, light rum and tequila. Make ...
The Mai Tai is a great cocktail for the summer with a wonderful taste of dark and light rum and fresh lime juice. It's a perfect dri...
The cocktail shot Russian flag is a part of our great Flag shot category collection. The shot recipe consists of three component...
Cocktail Blue Lady is for lovers of cocktails with gin. A typical "bitter" taste of gin garnished with a great sense of fresh lemon.
A classic cocktail recipe with vodka and a perfect decision against hot days. The cocktail is popular with wonderful color and lemon...